Have anyone reading this blog thought about anyone of the below questions then please comment:
1. Treating Knowledge as a Dynamic Logical Entity and setting its relations to machine learning?
2. Why when a ball dropped from a height cannot reciprocate the action if the same amount of energy is applied to it?
3. Does Probability really helps us in determining the right reaction to action or chance has no play in what happens its just our illusion to think that a particular could have happened in these many ways?
4. Is Entropy or randomness continuously grows in the universe, but if it would have been true then why are we still alive? Why the chaos has not destroyed everything in the act of random events?
5. Is there free will I don't think so as whatever happens it happens in the best possible way it should happen and if there would have been any other way then why that way was not adopted by nature (adopted can be replaced by chosen, selected, opted)
6. If all the things are governed by governing laws of physics then can we one day derive a formula to predict anything?
7. Do things continue to happen until a sort of symmetry is achieved? Symmetry can be also balance of equations.
8. Does free will has limits or does it itself is a limit bound entity? Does each atom, neutron etc has free will because if a law is universal it applies to everything in the universe just the implications might be different?
9. If there is randomness in a non-random (pre-defined law based world), then why does this randomness exists? Is it because it maintains the balance i.e.symmetry, or it is order itself but we misinterpret it as disorder, or something else?