Thursday, December 1, 2011

Why to buy Samsung Galaxy Note, India---Ultimate Realization of an idea for thoughtful Homo Sapien :)

Wow! was the word I exclaimed when I saw the promo video of Samsung Galaxy Note..

When I was in school and even in college and now in an IT giant. I always thought of having a electronic gadget or a personal diary kind of stuff on which I can freely and in the most casual way jot down all my thoughts, ideas, plans in whatever jumbled up order they come into my thoughtful mind all the time.

But there was no such device available at each phase of my life, till I saw this truly innovative product with awesome device configuration to provide flawless execution of each popular task that we wish to be done on our smart device.

But the real standout feature is the "Notes" taking ability of the device that not only enables us to take text notes but also draw sketches and more thoughtful minds can even use it to envision new scientific formula or information flows. Moreover it has the latest of all the technologies embedded in its core for example fastest available processor, amoled screen, 4g compatible, large display, 8 mp camera, longer battery life, enhanced security and business applications!!! Now I cant expect anything more from a latest tab. It has all what makes it stand out from the rest of the tabs in the market and I truly believe that the POWER of Creation that they have given through its App Innovations i.e. Soonr, ZigZag, iAnnotatePDF, Zen Brush, OmniSketch, Hello Crayon etc, Touchnote, TouchReTouch to thinkers, & technology geeks like us is really of great help...

I think it will enable not only me but a large group of similar like-minds to buy this great tab and reap its Benefits.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

How a Cloud Computing based Education Model can revolutionize Education?

Cloud Computing has been introduced as a boon for all those who wants to host a scalable application; ready to be used by a large of users across the globe or a country. It helps people in accessing the applications via internet without seeing any change in the performance. Rather due to the technology that supports this technology like load balancing, hyper-visor resource allocations, map-reduce etc, users are ought to have a high quality user experience with these cloud hosted applications.

Cloud Computing is already the most-hyped word on the net and other forms of media. Every technology based company is trying hard to get into it no matter how logical or sustainable their desperate attempts are :)

Leaving all the corporate games aside whats the biggest application that I see of this technology is to use it for propagation of Education in countries where the literacy rates are low or where the countries are poor as compared to the 1st or the 2nd world countries. Education industry requires 3 basic amenities i.e. premises, human resource and study resource materials. Cloud can help in eradicating all these 3 by the following ways:

1. No need of premises is needed. Only one laptop/desktop, electricity connection and a Wi-Fi or GPS enabled net connection is all what we need to start a school. All these 3 are readily available nowadays...thanks to the mobile and electronic revolution around the globe that has even touched mostly all the 3rd world countries too.

2. Human resource is not needed as all the teaching can be done virtually by the help of a teacher giving lecture in one part of globe/country and being attended by one child at a remote place in the same country or elsewhere.

3. All kinds of study material can be hosted in the cloud hosting environment and can be accessed from anywhere in the world.

So all in all cloud based educational model will not only solve the educational crisis around the globe but also create jobs and generate decent amount of revenue for the solution providers. When the education is provided through such a penetrable medium it is bound to create new generations of knowledgeable youth which will in turn create a stronger and more wiser nation.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What has went wrong till date that has delayed India in becoming a Developed Nation?

The reason why India is not a Developed Nation or will not become one any sooner because:

1. I have observed that the Youth here is taught to make their lives secure and not to take risks even if it is for those aims/objectives,dreams which they always have wanted to achieve. In the childhood days they are taught to study and not to play or else they will not get good enough grades to land them up in their Parent's desired college, in the youth they are taught to get grades to get job, in job they are told to work hard and not challenge the ways to get promotion, and so on the cycle continues here in this nation.

The only solution to this problem is to give child freedom to take risks, to rise and fall so many times that he becomes fearless of losing and courageous to win always :)

2. The nation needs to carefully chose the leaders as whatever you chose you shall get in return, if you will chose a corrupt you will get cheated, if you will chose a leader you will be guided to prosperity

3. Industrialists should not only work in order to expand themselves, they should work to build several like them so that together they make India stronger and dependent.

4. Teachers needs to take their jobs seriously, no more half explanations, out of the school tuition, favoritism, or teaching without making the concepts clear will not going to do any good to the growing hunger of knowledge in this nation. Teachers are major criminals of the society if they are not doing their duty.

5. Ignited minds should just not sit and enjoy their success or enjoy doing what they are best in. They should spread the light around, fill a young boy's heart with the fascinations of universe, filling mind of a colleague of what wonders cloud computing can do, filling the mind of your ambitious friend of what wonders he/she can do if she has believe in himself/herself and you are always there to support them.

If we are able to replicate any one of the above points I think we will make India one step near to become a Developed Nation.

Bad practices for a Software Test Engineer

People mostly talk about the good and the best practices but it is also important to know the worst or the bad practices which a Software ...